Little Updates

Little Updates

Just a little update, as I haven’t spent that much time on coding lately. Some usefull software packages were released lately: OpenLayers 2.13(.1) NetTopologySuite 1.13.1 (now referencing GeoAPI 1.7.1, Woohoo!) Geoserver 2.4 beta1 SharpMap 1.0 (on NuGet!) All fine products I would like to recommend to all GIS developers. I’m especially pleased with the NTS…

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I think this is actually a good idea… Hacking something? Put the hack in a specified file so you know where you need to fix it… Shame.css

Creating a SharpMap WMS Server using .NET MVC4 Razor

Creating a SharpMap WMS Server using .NET MVC4 Razor

Lately I’ve been playing with the idea of creating a lightweight method of displaying geospatial data. I’m currently working on a project using NHibernate Spatial, .NET MVC4 and Sql Server 2012.stock-map

As our deployment will initially be without a full server install (no dedicated server) I can’t depend on a GeoServer installation what I would normally do. So I went to my best buddy Google and found a WMS implementation built in SharpMap which is nearing its 1.0 release. (Currently RC2)

The Draconium Project

The Draconium Project

Just a quick post after not posting anything for a while. I’m still working on some NHibernate Spatial things. I’ve got it updated with the NHibernate 3.3.2 and GeoApi 1.7.1. and NetTopologySuite 1.13. Also we’ve been working on Draconium some more again, which was laid to rest for a bit. Jaco made a nice blog…

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NHibernate Spatial for NHibernate 3.x

NHibernate Spatial for NHibernate 3.x

Some of you may have heard of NHibernate, some of you may not. I have been using it for about a year now at my work and it’s a really nice ORM to use. It’s especially easy to use with FluentHibernate as one can configure it from code. My friend and colleague Jaco Adriaansen wrote…

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A bit of rework

A bit of rework

I wasn’t really that happy with the theme as it was quite crowded and busy for the eye. I’ve been searching for a better theme for some time now and I actually gave up already and decided to build one myself.

Amazing… EntityFramework 4 + Spatial

Amazing… EntityFramework 4 + Spatial

Well, to be fair, I did not see this one coming. I can’t believe how easy this stuff worked. So, I am dabling with new things lately. I haven’t been taking close watch to new technologies so I’m trying to get myself back up with the program. As my main focus (and joy) lies with…

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An ESRI day: GisTech 2012

An ESRI day: GisTech 2012

So, today I was at the GISTech 2012. It’s a conference made posible by ESRI and the ArcGis Gebruikers Groep Nederland (AGGN) and it was being held in Rotterdam. So I’m kinda making this blog to sum up the things I heard today now that it’s still fresh.