Category: Draconium

Creating a SharpMap WMS Server using .NET MVC4 Razor

Creating a SharpMap WMS Server using .NET MVC4 Razor

Lately I’ve been playing with the idea of creating a lightweight method of displaying geospatial data. I’m currently working on a project using NHibernate Spatial, .NET MVC4 and Sql Server 2012.stock-map

As our deployment will initially be without a full server install (no dedicated server) I can’t depend on a GeoServer installation what I would normally do. So I went to my best buddy Google and found a WMS implementation built in SharpMap which is nearing its 1.0 release. (Currently RC2)

The Draconium Project

The Draconium Project

Just a quick post after not posting anything for a while. I’m still working on some NHibernate Spatial things. I’ve got it updated with the NHibernate 3.3.2 and GeoApi 1.7.1. and NetTopologySuite 1.13. Also we’ve been working on Draconium some more again, which was laid to rest for a bit. Jaco made a nice blog…

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