Praise be the GAOSP

Praise be the GAOSP

Basically, I wanted to put this project in a bit of a spotlight. It’s an awesome project, where a handfull of guys got the Android Open Source Project working on the Samsung Galaxy. They are currently working on Froyo (2.2) and nearly everything I use on a daily basis works.

The only thing they could improve is overal speed. This will always remain a problem, since the i7500 has some older hardware compared to it nowadays. Nowadays is a bit strange too, because the i7500 was launched one year ago. That’s the press release. I’m not entirely sure about the USA launch date, but it was here around december ’09. I started flashing the ROM with Odin from februari ’10 and started using GAOSP and Galaxo since two months or so.


I’m really happy with those two roms in particular because Samsung dropped the cellphone so people would be forced to buy the galaxy s, I guess. I wonder what they will replace that with in a few months… So, if you have an I7500, check out gaosp and galaxo. Links can be found in the links section up. And while you’re at their sites, be kind and donate them a few beers or some flowers for their GF’s. 🙂